My History with History

I have always been really fond of stories. History textbooks never felt as daunting because, really, it’s all one big story. I always remind myself I wouldn’t be where I am today without those who have come before me. So, when I travel, my favorite part of the trip is usually getting to visit the places that are rich with history. When we were in Portugal, I was lucky enough to see, for a second time, the Palace of Pena. I think everyone always looks at these things differently. Some people look at the architecture, but I literally try to envision myself living in the context of a time period in the given place. If you think about it, we are touring the places that were, at one point in time, extremely personal to someone. How do you think you would feel if, in a hundred years, someone was touring your bedroom? Reading your diary? Walking through your home? Of course, these were royals, so it’s already assumed there’s public interest from birth. But, to think of yourself as someone else, and to literally be able to feel the space under your feet is, for me, really exciting.

As a kid, I used to have this fascination with Anastasia Romanov. She was the youngest Grand Duchess of Russia, and a member of the last imperial family before the Soviets took over in 1917. She was only sixteen years old when she died. (Well, presumably. I always hoped that wasn’t the case – I’m sure if you’ve seen the animated movie, you know what I mean!) I routinely envisioned myself as her – what was it like to live in her world? This is probably where my love for acting stepped in because, as a child and today, I tend to try and put myself in the shoes of people from the past. I even had an awesome fifth grade teacher who let me write a script and film my own movie about the Grand Duchess (starring me as Anastasia, obviously…) 😉

Me in Cascais, Portugal in front of Duke Pub Restaurant. (Next time I plan on eating here!) Duke is my Mom’s maiden name, and one I can trace back for hundreds of years.

Gap Overalls, Ralph Lauren Tee (Marshall’s find! Similar ones in Men’s section here and here.), Old Collab J. Crew/New Balance Sneaks (I happen to want their Navy/Pink ones!),  Coach Prescription Sunglasses.


You get the point. I diligently watch The Crown on Netflix and Victoria on PBS. I even recently discovered that both Elizabeth the II and Anastasia Romanov are distant cousins, as they are both grandchildren of Queen Victoria, and flipped. I just found it to be so cool! Plus, thanks to, and about 3 or 4 years of diligent research, I discovered Cecily Neville, the first Duchess of York, is more than likely my 17th great grandmother. My family is definitely directly tied to the “York” family, and therefore I feel a particular connection to my English heritage. When my family came to America from England, we made our roots in Maine and Massachusetts, and even my DNA shows my English Colonist lineage. My mom’s side is about as American (and English) as it gets, and that only further intrigues me with my research. I plan on doing a post soon on my journey with my Ancestry research. 🙂

Jake and I in front of the 1,000 year old Alcobaça Monastery. (His striped shirt is this one from L.L. Bean! I’m obsessed.) 

Basically, I’m a history buff, and it’s something I really want my readers to know about me. I’m pretty intrigued by the fashion, and people, of the past. Anyone else a history nerd?