It’s been particularly hard keeping up with the blog lately.
I don’t intend on stopping, I want to make that clear up front!
I love blogging and it’s been really great for me. What’s challenging right now is finding the time to keep up with it, because work is particularly demanding this school year, with all of the additional needs concerning the pandemic. So, obviously, I no longer have the same amount of time I used to, so it can sometimes feels challenging to get blog work done in the same time frame as before.

However, I wanted to commit to 4 blog posts a month. And have been! But, this month, I almossssst forgot at the last minute! But ya know what? Here’s a blog post! It may not be full, or quite as complete as usual, but I posted something. Even a thought like this is something to look back on for the blog! 
What goals do you make yourself stick to?