Shoes are my favorite sneakers, Allbirds…my vest was my birthday gift from Sam! I just love it so much. So cozy and I know I’ll be wearing it all winter long!
I’m also trying to take the time to enjoy the fall weather and scenery. The leaves this time of year are absolutely beautiful, and it’s my favorite month, so I’m trying to take the time to appreciate that before it starts getting cold outside. I’m still keeping distant in this pandemic, and I honestly can’t believe how much time has passed since this first began in March, but I think recognizing the little things helps keep me going and as positive as possible.
In the summer, roller blading was something I found that kept me feeling motivated and active. I think sometimes it can feel challenging to find things to do when we are still actively trying to stay distant from others, especially as we think about the weather getting colder…but I plan on walking through the snow if I have to this year…!
Now that we are about 8 months into this…what have you been doing to stay positive and active?