What I’m Watching: Feb 2019

Disclaimer: I love TV. I love to watch TV. I love to talk about TV. Television, is a fabulous thing. Most nights, I like to end my day with a little TV. Some people are better than me and like to be productive right to the every end, but I need my TV time in order to feel a little less of that buzzing around that I feel the rest of the day. It being a snow day today, it’s the perfect day for wrapping up in a fleece blanket and my favorite Patagonia pullover, and watch my favorite shows. Plus, Gracie always seems to make an appearance! Here are some of my current favorites:

The Great British Baking Show 

This show has become weirdly important to me…I absolutely love it! It’s honestly such a relaxing, feel good, show to watch. I spend a lot of time watching Crime Documentaries, so this is a perfect offset for me. I love watching an episode of this before bed. It’s also such fun inspiration for using the Kitchen Aid that Jake got me for Christmas this year! So many things to bake, so little time….


Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes

This one made me feel a lot of emotions, but mostly angry at what a terrible person this man was. I try make sure that, especially when watching this type of material, that I acknowledge and remember the victims more than the perpetrator. However, this documentary is fascinating in the sense where it really gives perspective on how the FBI and police have adapted and changed over the years based on serial killers. I finished the whole thing in one night, and was literally on the edge of my seat…


The Crown

I should have made this my number one because it is literally my number one. I have watched the entire series three times – I have such a love for Queen Elizabeth II and I’m such a history buff. I seriously cannot wait for Netflix to release the next season….if you haven’t watched it yet, I believe it to be an absolute must! It’s incredibly well done and very historically accurate.



While you’re at it – watch Victoria on PBS. I watch it every Sunday night. Not going to lie – the first few episodes in Season 1 were a little tough to get through. But, I love love love love royal history, and just had to keep going. It gets so much better and, again, is super educational and insightful about the life of Queen Victoria. She was such a fascinating monarch, and I just think Jenna Coleman does a marvelous job in playing the role of her.


Queer Eye

This is another “feel good” show for me. This group of guys just do so much good, and they offer such great advice for the men (sometimes women!) they are working with. Each one of them is so lovely and an expert in what they do, and I find it to be the perfect show to lay in bed watching, snacking on chocolate. I say this because I have done it. Several times.


Game of Thrones 

At this point, this show started so long ago and everyone, at some point, has been recommended it. If you have STILL avoided the GoT trend….just stop. Watch it. It’s incredible. I’m so bummed this will be the last season but I’m so glad I (finally) listened to Jake and started watching a couple of years ago. I was hooked really quickly – you won’t have to watch long to stay interested. I thought I would hate it because it’s so violent but it was weirdly easy for me to get past that…?


The Good Place

Okay, this show is hilarious. I literally laugh out loud when I’m watching this show. I love how short the episodes are, and the plot is completely unique. It’s full of twists – if you feel like you hit a lull with this one, pick it back up because it gets GOOD. Plus, Kristen Bell is just awesome at what she does and great to watch. Don’t believe me? Watch the show….


Nailed it!

Oh my god, this is another one that has me crying with laughter. I literally want to be on this show. How can I get on this show? Does anyone know?! I feel like I would have a blast, even if I didn’t win the ten grand at the end of it. But you know I would fight for that ten grand!!!! The host, Nicole Byer, is unbelievably funny and I would love to meet her and bake something terrible for her.


Law and Order: SVU

I mean, this has been on forever. But, it doesn’t get better than Olivia Benson. My sister Sam started watching this show when we moved to Minnesota for nine months, and she has been obsessed with Mariska Hargitay ever since. She currently wants to be a lawyer, so I’m pretty sure the show had some serious influence for her! I’ve seen every episode….something super additive about it, but I just think over all it has such a great message.


What are you all watching on TV right now?